Alabama parents arrested for recording staff abuse of their autistic child
Did you know school principals can issue warrants and their school resource officers can arrest parents for something like recording staff abusing their children? Me either.
More than 100 pastors tell legislators to stop attacks on school choice
Even though research says otherwise, teachers unions fund constant communications efforts that frame the fight for school choice as a policy battle between grassroots defenders of public education (who only want to preserve the public's schools) and the cigar-smoking corporate fatcats who fund campaigns to "destroy" America's most vital child-serving institutions.
PODCAST: Help! My homie hates that I work in a charter school
What happens when our own community is anti-choice? Ray Ankrum has us talking about how to defend our work and inform our people.
Ms. Klein does not believe Jesus rode a dinosaur to burning man
Are private schools that receive public money able to "teach whatever they want" to an extent that's greater or different than a local school board's power to adopt whatever curriculum they want?