School choice takes student from bullied to bolstered

Never forget: publicly-funded school choice isn't about politics, billionaires, or hatred of traditional public schools.

It's about opening doors for kids.

When the education establishment and its dogmatists engages in scare tactics and shame campaigns intended to close the roads to opportunity that school choice provides for millions of students, we must stand up for the families who have good reasons.

Watch this video below and you'll meet Keenan Cooper, one of those millions of students. He's a North Carolina student at Cornerstone Christian Academy who is "the first student in the state of North Carolina to earn a scholarship to go to college through the scholastic 3d Archery Association."

So, how did he get to this place of success? Listen to his mother Kena Cooper as she explains the situation that motivated her to desperately seek a scholarship to get Keenan out of a public school where he was increasingly depressed, into a private school that supported his needs and led to a "metamorphosis."

She says:

Picking up my son from middle school, he got in the car, he turned around and looked at me and his face was stained with tears.


And I said what?

I just put breaks. He said I can't take it no more. I can't do it. I said what you mean? What's wrong? He said "they keep picking on me, they keep messing with me, they keep bullying me. I'm not getting help." 

I felt like I what do I do?

was going through the mail and there was a pamphlet that said "how would you like for your child to attend a private school for free? We have scholarships." I turned it over because I was looking for the little small print around the sides to say, you know call this 900 number, but it was legit. It was real. I was like God and I was like, okay, I'm gonna take every take a stand at it we'll see what happens and then the next you know, we got the call to come to rally and speak to.


I am one of the 4,046 [who received the state-funded scholarship]. I want my child as well as the other parents are here want their child to have a quality education that their children are not looking at as a number but as a person. 

Watch the video:


Inga Cotton: Putting parents in power!


One thing way worse than standardized testing is unstandardized testing