I don't care if KIPP changes their slogan if they still get results

 Good People, some of y'all keep asking me about the internal work the KIPP charter school network is doing to interrogate itself for racial justice concerns, which begins with them changing their well-known slogan"Work Hard, Be Nice."I've resisted commenting because I think it's a phony problem.But, since questions continue to come my way, here a few thoughts:1. KIPP can change their slogan to whatever they think helps them meet their organizational objective. You don't have to like it. Stay in you lane.

2. People from the Right love any facile news peg that allows them to belabor the case that "woke" is going too far. I'm sympathetic to their complaint, but notice they have ZERO to say about it when white supremacy goes too far.....ever. It's way too convenient and I'm tired of that. To them I say: woke isn't doing nearly the damage to our country and out culture that your president, your party, and you are doing. Clean your own toilet before inspecting others'.3. So-called "Ed Reform" is full of self-important individuals with axes to grind for one reason or other. Sometimes it's just straight up competition, sometimes it's malignant jealousy, sometimes its egotism because they didn't get a grant or one of their AMAZING criticisms wasn't heard, or whatever. To them I say, focus on your own house people and shut up about what others are doing.4. On the liberal side, there are school/reform leaders who blow with the wind and will swing to something like racial justice theology as a shrewd value-signaling move to save their position within the field. Their perfection of woke-speak is a shield meant to position them as "allies" against white supremacy even as they enjoy every privilege and benefit of it.5. I don't give a damn if KIPP changes their slogan from "Work Hard, Be Nice" to "Eat Healthy, Drink Water," or "Say Nice Things To People," or "Don't Take Crap From People On The Internet" - just as long as they keep teaching kids to beat the odds in the classroom. As of this point I haven't heard a single them from them that tells me they aren't going to keep focusing intently on teaching, learning, and outcomes.6. And, finally, no - telling kids to "Work Hard, Be Nice" is not telling them to be complicit or be a slave or be compliant to white masters. That is almost as stupid as saying changing the slogan it teaching kids that merit doesn't matter. Both claims are so damn stupid I can't imagine educated people aren't embarrassed to make them.In the end, I hope everyone can focus on education, focus on results, and focus on the opponents of our field.Please people: pop open a can of Mind Your Damn Business and drink heavily.

What if your entire school system was the racist monument that should come down?


White progressives have a lot of work to do, and I'm not here to help