Big changes ahead for Citizen Stewart

What a wild journey I've had in pursuing education activism.For the past several years I have devoted a considerable amount of brain space and personal time learning all I can about the issues that face public education, and how it impacts marginalized communities. It has been a great learning experience that has enriched my life and satisfied my sense of doing the right thing.Over these years I have met great people and expanded my network to include folks who I might not have ever met were I not fighting for better schools. I am grateful for that in more ways than I can express. The benefit of expanding my network is that I have been blessed to find new opportunities to advance in life. One such opportunity is on the horizon and I will be shutting down so I can move to the next phase in my career.I have bittersweet news.Though I have thoroughly enjoyed the amazing work we do at Education Post, I am honored to have been selected as the new Director of Communications for the Idaho Department of Education. This is a major transition for me that will require all of my focus.To all of my readers and supporters, thank you for all your kindness over the years. Your support has been affirming in so many ways.To all my friends in the reform community, I appreciate you and hope we can stay connected.All my best,Chris Stewart


Painting education the whitest shade of pale


Mickelson: Don't blame teens or their parents for teacher-driven opt-out movement